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Rabu, 27 April 2011

Yahudi Langgar Kanak-kanak Palestin Dengan Subaru

Dr. Ghassan Al Khateeb Media, Spokesperson of the Palestinian Authority, told China’s Xinhua agency that that the PA had filed a complaint to the Israeli branch of Subaru over the ad that mocks the severe injuries of two children from Jerusalem, who were rammed, in October 2010, by a Subaru vehicle driven by David Be’eri, Director-General of the Elad settlement organization.

The settler was briefly detained by the Israeli police, and was released after he claimed that he had no other choice but to ram them with his car “as he had to defend himself after the two children hurled stones at him while driving it”, the Arabs48 news website reported.

Al Khateeb described the commercial as immoral and as an act that disregards the life of the Palestinian people.

He added that such ads encourage settler violence against the Palestinians, including running over Palestinian children, Xinhua said.

The Israeli Radio reported Thursday that spokesperson of Subaru in Israel denied any relation to the ad, and stated that the company did not publish this ad and protested against attempts to harm its reputation.

The Gulf News reported on its website on Friday that the advertisement had “resurfaced a few days ago on a Facebook page for the Subaru car company in Israel, with some words in Hebrew. (We will see who will stand in front of you).

The Gulf News added sources told it that once the company noticed the picture on its Facebook page, it immediately removed it.

The sources added that Subaru-Israel also asked Palestinian media agencies to remove the picture from their websites, but they refused, Gulf News said.

The ad also led Peace Now Movement in Israel to protest against it. Peace Now spokesperson, Hagit Ghufran, stated that this ad “is a clear evidence of the existence of fanaticism in Israel’s Subaru branch, especially in areas where there is conflict with the Palestinians.

Ghufran added that such act will lead to more violence, especially against children.

Khalid Quzmar of the International Movement to Defend Children, called for taking the people behind the ad to court, adding that, “unfortunately going to the law through Israeli courts is useless because Israeli courts are serving the occupation which gave a cover to such behaviors." Xinhua said.

Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbas, also denounced the advertisement describing it as “propaganda that reached to the leveled of encouraging the killing of Palestinian children”.

Updated From
Alleged Subaru Car Ad In Israel Shows “Power” By Running Over Palestinian Children
Saed Bannoura, IMEMC & Agencies, Fri, 22 Apr 2011 03:38:45

A new advertisement in Israel, reportedly published by Subaru-Israel facebook page, meant to show the “power and durability” of the Japanese Subaru car, caused outrage after showing a Subaru driven by a Jewish settler striking two Palestinian children in occupied East Jerusalem, Press TV reported. The advertisement was allegedly published by the Subaru dealership in Israel, featuring an incident that took place last year when the settler struck two Palestinian children with his Subaru car.

The settler, known to the Israeli police, fled the scene after injuring the two children. The attack was capture on video.

“We Will See Who Can Stand Against You”, was written in the right corner of the horrific picture of a Palestinian child flying into the air after being rammed by the settlers’ Subaru.

The victims were two Palestinian children aged 10 and 12. The 10-year-old child suffered a broken leg. The settler is at large, and is not even wanted for his crime.

The Fateh movement of President Mahmoud Abbas slammed the Subaru ad and described it as an act of aggression, promoting the harm and murder of Palestinian children.

The settler who rammed the children with his car was identified as David Be’eri, Director-General of the Elad settlement organization, an extremist settler real estate corporation that heavily promotes removing the Palestinians from Palestine, especially from Jerusalem, and replacing them with Jewish settlers.

The Elad movement heavily encourages Jewish settlers to move into Palestinian neighborhoods in occupied East Jerusalem, and provides them with financial support. Most of its financial comes from Zionist groups in the United States.

Source : IMEMC

Cara Pelik Angkut Binatang Guna Motor

Pemandangan Yang Jarang Kita Lihat

Isnin, 25 April 2011


Awal April lalu masih hangat isu "TELUR TIRUAN".
Jadi kisah tu saya abadikan di sini. Ada je manusia yang dah tak ada kerja!!!
Kan lagi susah buat telur dari ambil kat bawah ayam!!!

Cara nak kenal telur tiruan antaranya :

1. Yang tiruan cerah dan licin.

2. Bila dipecahkan dipecahkan, putih telur dan kuning telur akan segera bercampur.

3. Cangkerang telur tiruan agak berkilat berbanding telur sebenar.

4. Kulitnya rasa lebih kasap bila rasa pakai tangan.

5. Bila digoncang ia akan berbunyi kerana air berlebihan daripada bahan pepejal.

6. Tak bau hanyir macam telur biasa.

7. Bahan untuk hasilkan putih telur dan kuningnya adalah dari bahan yang sama.

*Katanya tak ada pun kat Malaysia. Tapi, hati-hati je lah!!! ACHTUNG!!!

Cara Angkut Binatang Haram dengan Cara Haram

Aduh, syukurlah pemandangan sebegini tidak pula kelihatan di negara ini. Agak melampau juga cara angkut makhluk tu ya. Asal boleh je. Tak kira siksa tak siksa makhluk tu. Cuma kalau dulu, payah nak nampak kat Johor ni lori bawa khinzir waktu siang. Sekarang macam dah mula menjadi-jadi pula. Siap tak tutup pula tu. Geram betul rasa!

Jumaat, 22 April 2011


Siapa yang boleh dipersalahkan akibat kecacatan kura-kura ini? Semua pasti tidak mengaku. Dan pasti rata-rata tiada yang mengaku jika ditanya siapa yang membuang sampah ke sungai atau ke laut.

Hakikatnya beginilah kesan pencemaran ke atas air. Bahananya turut menghantui hidupan alam yang lain. Seperti kura-kura ini, pada usia kecilnya ada plastik keras yang terperangkap di bahagian tengah tubuhnya, dan apabila ia semakin membesar, plastik keras tersebut mencacatkan tubuhnya.

Jadilah manusia yang berguna. Jadilah manusia yang menggunakan akal! Buang sampah di tempatnya. Buang sampah dengan cara yang betul. Bukankah kebersihan di tuntut dalam agama. Bahkan apa yang kita lakukan pasti akan dipersoalkan kelak. Sama-sama kita fikirkan.


"Kenapa cikgu join jugak Hari Bumi? Kan orang barat punya!!!"

Tanya anak murid semasa mengajar mata pelajaran Geografi. Ni mesti anak murid rajin update information di blog ACHTUNG! Dia terpandang "blog header" ACHTUNG! la tu.

Adik-adik, dalam surah Ar-Ruum, ayat 41 Allah S.W.T berfirman ;

Maksudnya : "Telah nampak kerosakan di darat dan di laut disebabkan oleh perbuatan tangan manusia, supaya Allah merasakan kepada mereka sebahagian dari (akibat) perbuatan mereka, agar mereka kembali (ke jalan yang benar).

Adik-adik, Allah pinjamkan kita bumi untuk kita tadbir. Untuk kita nikmati dan kita jaga, kerana Allah dah bagi kita akal yang membolehkan kita membuat keputusan sama ada nak buat yang baik atau yang buruk. Bukan ke Allah ciptakan manusia sebaik-baik ciptaan. Makhluk yang sempurna. Tapi, makhluk lain dah boleh agak dah apakah keburukan lantaran kewujudan manusia ke atas muka bumi.

Adik-adik, setiap apa yang kita lakukan, kita akan "ditanya" dan dipertanggungjawabkan di akhirat. Bukan sahaja sikap dan tindakan kita kepada sesama manusia, bahkan kepada sesama makhluk ( termasuk binatang dan hidupan di bumi ). Berat tanggungjawab kita adik-adik. Ingat senang??? Dalam ayat Quran di atas, Allah S.W.T menjelaskan bahawa memang tangan-tangan manusia itulah yang akan mendatangkan kebinasaan. Padahal jangka hayat bumi adalah bergantung kepada bagaimana kita merawat atau menjaganya. Nabi kata bumi kita ni dah macam orang tua sangat. Bayangkan kalau orang tua kita tak jaga betul-betul, lagilah pendek hayatnya.

Kenapa ustaz join juga???
Earth day tak bercanggah dengan syariat. Yang peliknya April fool dan Valentine day adik-adik "layan" padahal terang-terang bertentangan syariat!!! Kita kena layan hari bumi dengan cara kita. Doa, biar semua manusia di dunia termasuk pemimpinnya ada kesedaran dan jaga bumi kita ni. Jangan kerana kepentingan dan keuntungan semata-mata, bumi ini dikorbankan.

Selamat Hari Bumi...

Rabu, 20 April 2011

TECHNOLOGY : Flex Display Phone

The Flex Display Phone, designed by Hank Chien-Cheng Chen, is one of those cell phones. The way it folds into itself and still isn’t thicker than a normal cell phone is genius. The way it is designed will enable us to, once and for all, get rid of those pesky, humongous and heavy laptops.

I feel the design of this concept phone could certainly be taken a bit further. The keyboard is a bit yesterday, and the outer shell isn’t exactly stylish either. However, I like the cool and unique way to fold it out to enable a larger and brighter screen that will give you plenty more space to create, run or play your apps. The new iPhone 5 is said to be getting a complete overhaul, and yet there is no word on how it will look, run or what the revolutionary features (according to Apple) will be. The future is truly exciting, and I can’t wait to see the OLED become the next cell phone display.

Image by ACHTUNG! Design