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Rabu, 6 Januari 2010

TECHNOLOGY : One kilometer high Nakheel Tower to become world's tallest building

It looks like Dubai is running out of countries to compete with in the architectural stakes, so they’ve started outdoing themselves. State-owned builder Nakheel has unveiled plans to build what would be the world’s tallest building before the Gulf city state’s previous claimant to the title, the Burj Dubai Tower, has even finished construction. Nakheel plans to build a tower measuring over 1 kilometer (0.62 miles), high in an area between two of the city’s artificial palm shaped islands which the company also created. Nakheel has not revealed the exact height or cost of the tower but said it would have “more than 200 floors” and be part of “a multi-billion pound development”, which includes a man made inland harbor and 40 additional towers ranging from 20 to 90 floors high.

1 ulasan:

Ady berkata...

bile pikirkan balik.. perjuangan di Palestin belum selesai.. masih ramai lg org fakir dan miskin di seluruh dunia.. nape msti berlumba-lumba mnghabiskan duit utk perkara2 sprti ini?? Huhu.. ummatku..

Image by ACHTUNG! Design